April fools day jokes at the Jardine house this morning included:*The "Put a rubber band around the sprayer on the sink and just watch when someone goes to get a drink of water joke..." (Don't judge me by the dirty sink) =)*The write on a piece of toiled paper with permanent marker and lay it in the toilet joke... " (I'll spare you the pic, but it was kind of funny. There was 'Hap-pee April Fools Day', 'The joke's on POO', and 'Who goes there?' * The "Have some Kool-aid for breakfast" joke...Did I say Kool-aid??? I meant Jello. =P*The "Switch the Cereal joke"--And since the day is not yet over, I can't share the next ones... You understand. =)
And if you need ideas~ A couple of routine easy joke--
*Sugar in the salt shaker (and vice versa)
*Short sheet someones bed
*Magical banana (where you slice a banana by puncturing it several placecs with a needle and moving the needle back and forth. When the "victim" peels the banana the slices are already done!)
*If you're daring you could put some koolaid in someone's shampoo-- Personally, I don't get THAT brave!
*food coloring on the bottom of your kids cups... when they pour their milk or water it turns colors!
*Sponge cake. (Frost a big sponge-- You can get a BIG car washing type at most stores for about $1 or $2.)
*Toothpaste filled Oreos (YUCK!)
*Hard boil the eggs in the egg carton in the fridge.