Thursday, March 12, 2009

This weeks Little Guy Quotes:

"You're always trying to tease me with bacon!"

"Are we rounded? Not like on Star Wars the Clone Wars when Annikin is surrounded, but are we rounded?"

"Mom's always know if you do bad things, like eat your goobers."

"Do those missionaries know that WE know that Jesus is good?"

"I don't want to catch the leprechaun, 'cause he's a good leprechaun... maybe he can just give us his gold..."

"You're rich if you get to eat dinner."

Very happily says the following
"Fine. I wont have that pudding."
(Then stomps away and says over his shoulder) "That makes me SO mad!"

1 comment:

Mp said...

I always like checking out your blog, your kids say and do such funny things...I'm sure their a handful at times!

Mike & Family