Thursday, March 27, 2008


After 8 days at PCMC we are finally home. They released Nick yesterday from the hospital. There's just not much that they can do for him there. They approached the idea of a heart transplant (again) but we still don't want to do that, so that's out. They are also thinking about another possible surgery, but they need to talk with Nick's regular cardiologist, Dr. Cowley, first and get his input and he is un-reachable for about another week.
Nick seems fine for the most part. Surprisingly fine for what his heart is doing. He is still having low ventricular tachycardia and bradycardia and arrhythmia's, however, we think that this new medicine has slowed the V-tach enough to cause him to NOT receive shocks from his ICD. We think.
What this means is that Nick will continue to have these strains on his heart from the crazy beating, but hopefully will not get as many shocks. Our unknown is WHICH IS BETTER? We're concerned that the irregular beating will wear on his heart a lot - and we're not sure how damaging that will be, but we are also very concerned about him continuing to receive shocks while he is conscious because it is traumatizing and we don't want him to have psychological problems due to this. (Like being afraid to ever do anything because he might get a shock). It's a tough call.
Everyone is kind of at a loss as to what to do.
We are so LUCKY that he is doing so well. Repeatedly the nurses would hurry in to the room while watching his monitors and ask him how he was feeling and if he was OK, and 98% he was cool as a cucumber and doing really well. A couple of times he felt sick to his stomach (probably due to the heart rate), but for the majority of the time he was good.

The Lord is good to us. And for now, we will continue to just take things a day at a time.

1 comment:

ang said...

You stay so positive, it's obvious where little Nick gets it from. Your attitude and strong testimony that the Lord is watching over all brings tears to my eyes. Thanks for the example of how to live! We're praying for your sweet family and may the Lord's tender mercies continue to be poured upon you!